We have access to the best turfs in WA at very affordable prices. They have a natural look and feel. They are all U.V. tested and have no heavy metals. All products come with a 7-10 year warranty but you can expect your turf to last 15 to 20 years.

See our synthetic turf |
You can get your turf and synthetic grass installed to your front and back yard, around your pool, courtyard or kids play area. Or if you want your very own putting surface in your backyard.

See our works |
Let the experts come out today for a free measure and quote.
Servicing Western Australia.
Call for a free quote on 0400 786 667 or email freequotes@ezisyntheticturf.com.au – or simply fill in this form!
Terms and conditions
Council permission is required for any work to be carried out on front verges and or in area front of letterboxes.
Ezi Synthetic Turf can only act on the clients instruction and will not be made liable for any removal of specific councils offending materials.
It is the clients responsibility to seek advice from their local council to ask what materials are allowed.
Ezi Synthetic Turf reserves the right to charge client for any re work and removal of offending materials on council areas.