Why Synthetic Turf
General benefits

Very low maintenance
Reduce carbon emissions from mowing, weed-eating, and edging
Save money
Whether it’s a front lawn or back lawn, sporting or public area, the savings on lawn maintenance, and irrigation makes Ezi Synthetic Turf a smart investment, best of all there are no ongoing costs.
Save time
Installing Ezi Synthetic Turf will save a huge amount of time for many years to come. When all the elements of traditional grass maintenance are considered, there’s really no other choice but Ezi Synthetic Turf!
Looks great
Ezi Synthetic Turf helps your living space look lush, green and natural, though every season and every day.
Ezi Synthetic Turf sets a new standard for combining exceptional quality with value pricing.
Beautiful natural grass appearance – no matter the season or weather
Child and pet Friendly
Amazing durability and drainage – better than natural grass
No pesticides, fertilisers, herbicides, or fungicides
No watering
Residential & Commercial benefits

- The absolute best golf practice at home
- True ball roll
- Custom breaks, ridges, undulations
- Increased curb appeal and property value
- Superior Durability and Superior Drainage
- Controls erosion
- No fading or mildewing
- Increased curb appeal and property value
- Long-term safety for children
- Soft non-abrasive surface
- No dirt inside the house
- Deters bugs and pests
- Own a dog and have a beautiful lawn
- No discolouring or burning of grass due to pet waste
- Liquids quickly drain through, solids easily lifted and hosed away
- Pets won’t track dirt inside
- No harmful pesticides